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4-8 months typical program length.
Do you know what’s on your credit report? Hopefully you do because many reports contain inaccurate information which is one of the main reasons that you need to monitor your reports frequently. In addition, your credit reports will get pulled every single time you apply for any type of loan. Lenders will use those reports along with your credit score to determine whether they will approve or deny your application. We’re going to address some important topics in regards to your credit reports.
What exactly is a credit report? Credit reports are generated by the credit bureaus and contain a breakdown of your credit history. As previously stated, lenders use the reports along with other details to determine loan applicants' creditworthiness. There are three major credit reporting bureaus: Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. Although most of the information reported by them is similar, there are often small differences between the reports that they each produce.
What’s on your credit report? Your credit report contains both sensitive personal and financial information. Personal information that is listed on your credit reports is your name, previous names used, your social security number, your current and former addresses and your employment
history. The following financial information is listed on your reports; the number and type of bank
or credit card accounts and whether they are past due or in good standing and detailed account information related to high balances, credit limits and the date accounts were opened.
How does your credit report look? Your credit report is divided into four sections: Personal information, detailed information on lines of credit, public records and inquiries. Each of those sections contains crucial information that gives lenders a snapshot of your financial state.
You are entitled to a free credit report annually and even under special circumstances. Visit
www.annualcreditreport.com to obtain yours. After you view your credit reports, you will have a better understanding of where you stand financially and can take the necessary actions needed.